Отзыв о детском саде Family Day Care "Alisa"

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Форма собственности: частный
91 Titus Avenue
Тел.: 1 (718) 810-1636

Подробное описание


Период посещения:с 2003 по 2004 г.
Возраст ребёнка, когда он ходил в этот сад:2.5
Режим работы:8am - 6 pm (+2 hours if needed)
С какого возраста принимают?2 years old
Бытовые условия
Количество групп и детей в группах:One group - 6 children
Здание, оснащённость:It's a small day care center, so my child felt himself like home. One level, good condition, always clean.
В группах:Fully equiped. All toys have educational background.
Еда:Meal 3 times a day. Home-cooked meals. Even I liked its very much. Very yummy! My son never ate soups or kasha, Gala made a miracle. Every morning he begins with «Will we eat Gala's kashka».
Уход за детьми:I'm sure that my baby had the best care that can be possible. The toys, shelves, furniture and floors are cleaned by special antibacterial liquid. I never saw dirty clothes on him. He never was in wet underwear. He learned to wash hands every time before dinner and after… and there are a lot of other things.
Программа:Then my son came to Family Day Care «Alisa», he didn’t speak at all. Only different sounds. After 3-4 weeks, at the New Year Holiday he read poem. Unbelievable? Believe me! Every Friday we have home work for weekends. My son, thanks to Gala, at his 2,9 years, can count to 3, can calculate (3-1=2, 3-2=1, 2-1=1 and et.), knows almost all letters of English alphabet, participates in mini-plays, sings about 20 songs, knows a lot of poems and can tell some fairy-tales. And my son is not the only one…
Воспитатели:Very good person! Very careful, kindness, very intellectual! She has about 27 year of experience. She is professional licensing school teacher. She pays attention to every child. She has lot of brilliant ideas. A thank god to send me with woman every time I see my son’s eyes.
Прочая информация:Yes, yes, yes! I recomend.

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