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Период посещения:с 2008 по 2009 г.
Прочая информация:My son started at the kindergarten Magic world 1,5 years ago when he had just turned 3. From the beginning we have been more than pleased with the care and affection how we has been taken care in the school. The school not only gives children challenging program for their skills development but at the same time most importantly provides sound and safe environment for children to play and interact with other children. <br>The school has also raised my son’s interest to learn more on wide issues from foreign languages to arts and sports. During the past years he has also got many new friends. The international atmosphere in the school has also taught him to interact with children not necessarily mastering the same language and on the same time teaching a lot from the Russian culture.<br>Due to the move from Moscow we are sorry to leave the Magic world but we will remain with all nice memories from the time he spent there.<br>Sincerely,<br>Katri Taskinen<br>Finland

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