Отзыв о системе бронирования hotels.com

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Все отзывы о системе бронирования (55)




Used booking with hotels.com. At the time of booking on the site offered to give the details of a credit card. Allegedly for what would be if you do not arrive at the hotel part of the cost, you still pay the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, the payment terminal and the cash register did not work. We paid in cash. The check for accommodation was not given, because there was no manager. (There is no manager at the hotel, he always arrives tomorrow). The next day, the cost of one night stay was taken from my card. I contacted the site, explained the situation, sent an invoice from my bank and photos of the paper from the hotel. The answer was: "we sent a request to the hotel, and we can not take a piece of paper from the hotel, we need a check and we will call you back within a day." I returned to the hotel and asked for a real check, but there was no manager at the site, he will be tomorrow. They offered to leave a mail on him with the manager will contact me. A week has passed, the manager does not write to me from the hotel, they don’t call me from the site. The conclusion is: can't be worse!

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